Product Update 01 Mar. 2022: Introducing Teams

Dear Sema Community,

3 min readMar 2, 2022

We know that crafting great code is a team effort. Whether your team is an open source project, a fast growing startup, a coding bootcamp class, or almost any coding effort — working together leads to more growth and better code.

In order to support this “better together” mentality, we are launching our Teams feature, making creating and reviewing code with your squad even better.

In particular, the Teams feature lets you:

  • Create and use common coding practices across multiple repositories and specialties (frontend, API teams, etc.).
  • Find examples of great code and “lessons learned” which can serve as teaching moments across multiple repositories and thousands of pull requests.
  • Teach and learn from other coders.

Users will be able to create multiple teams, add the same repos to different teams, and add people to more than one team. This feature, along with all of our features, is free.

Getting started: creating a team in Sema

Start a Sema team and enable everyone to learn from each other’s reviews. Invite as many team members as you like.

To get started, select “Create a Team” from the avatar drop down.

From the “Create a Team” page, you’ll name your team, add a description, and choose which members you’d like on this team. You can also come back and add more folks later.

Getting primed: adding repos to your team

You are able to add any repos to your team where you have created or received a Sema review. For our newcomers (Welcome!) — here’s a quick overview video on how to create reviews with Sema.

Then, you can select and curate which repos you’d like your team to access and use.

Getting oriented: Team Dashboard

At a glance, see your team metrics, repos, and members from your Team Dashboard. Navigate the different aspects of Teams from here.

Getting on the same page: Team Snippets

Teams can establish Collections of best practices for their use exclusively — choosing from Community Collections or by creating their own.

Getting your stats: Team Insights

Use Team Insights to see your individual code review stats as well as the entire team’s data. Only you can see your individual stats — code is a craft, not a competition.

Within the “My Contributions” view, see your data visualized in a way that speaks to your role and your work. When viewing “Our Team,” check out dynamic area charts that show the collective feedback across your team. All of which is filterable by repository, date, and other useful levels of analysis.

What’s Next?

In our next newsletter we’ll show you how engineers can showcase their achievements using a portfolio of their highest quality code and moments of growth.

As always, we’re always keen to hear your ideas, suggestions, and feedback.
So excited for your teams to supercharge their code reviews together.


Your Friendly Neighborhood CEO-Type Person

All technical release notes: here
All summary product updates: here

