Product Update 15 Mar. 2022: Developer Portfolio

Dear Sema Community,

3 min readMar 21, 2022

At Sema we believe in celebrating your achievements and, of course, who knows those achievements better than you.

After months of market research and user feedback, we’re proud to release the Developer Portfolio. Now you can showcase your work directly from the project or repo itself, in a beautifully readable way.

Maybe you’ll use this for your own brag sheet, a lunch and learn, or a performance review. It’s so easy to get started. You, the developer, curates the content of your portfolio by creating filterable Snapshots — complete with titles and descriptions — wrapped together with an executive overview for the whole collection.

Getting started: create Snapshots

Using data from Personal Insights, Team Insights, or Repo stats, create Snapshots that showcase the work you’re most proud of. First, filter by different layers of specificity and click ‘Snapshot for Portfolio’.

You’ll then add a title and description which best describes the message you hope to get across with this data. Save and ta-da! You just added your first Developer Portfolio piece of art.

Navigate to your Developer Portfolio by clicking on the trophy icon in the top right-hand corner. From here, you can continue building your masterpiece, including editing or modifying titles and descriptions for your various Snapshots.

Getting your message across: your personal overview

What do you want viewers of your portfolio to know about you and your work? Who are you? What work did you curate to showcase? Why are you most proud of this selection?

Your personal overview gives viewers the opportunity to best understand the contents of your portfolio — its theme or purpose — as well as the genius responsible for its great work. Don’t be afraid to have fun with it!

As your portfolio changes, so too can your overview. Just like with each individual Snapshot, the descriptions to your holistic Developer Portfolio are easily editable and customizable.

Getting diverse: add different types of data

How you tell your story is just as unique as you are. Whether charts or words, Sema’s Developer Portfolio allows you to choose how best to show off your work.

Add a snippy description or longer-form story-telling — you’re the artist, it’s your craft, you decide.

What’s Next?

Developer Portfolio v1 is only the beginning. In fact, the feature is proving to be such a hit, we’re already beefing it up, with v2 just around the corner. Sit tight and feel free to send some great feedback, ideas, and suggestions our way!

So excited for our community to start showing off the talent and skill we know is out there.


Your Friendly Neighborhood CEO-Type Person

All technical release notes: here
All summary product updates: here

